Hi everyone! Michał here – trained biologist, aspiring software engineer. By day I work in a startup developing cool voice technologies, by night I bake cakes and work on my bio-dev-projects. That’s probably all you need to now about me for now. But who knows, maybe in the future I’ll reveal more.
Another blog, you’d ask. Well, yes. And no. The reason for starting this was simple (ok, maybe there was more than one). On my way between biology and software I’ve seen and learnt a ton of new things that I haven’t even imagined before. As a consequence, one of my aspirations was to try to combine the knowledge from both worlds and apply it to some interesting projects or build something useful. This blog aims at describing things I’m discovering on my way to doing so. Maybe I’ll share here some specific project I’m working on or maybe it’ll be a collection of “random” but useful things I’ve discovered on the way. Time will show. I feel though that if sharing something, that took me three frustrating evenings to figure out , will make someone else’s life a bit easier, it’s totally worth it.
Not to leave you without any clue about the upcoming content, I’ll just reveal that in the nearest future I’ll be writing about how to analyse some NGS data: we’ll see where to get “toy” data, how to assess its quality, how to map sequencing reads to an actual genome and find SNPs in our samples. Later, we’ll use Python to build some sequencing data analysis pipelines.
As they say, stay tuned!

Hey! I’m a protein biochemist by training with a more recent software development experience. Here, I’ll be trying to combine a bit of both – let’s see though where we’ll end up with that 🙂